年式:1958〜1970 (マイナーチェンジにより IIa と IIb がある)
エンジン:2286ccL4〜2625ccL6(GAS) / 2052〜2286cc(Diesel)
タイプ:PU, HT, SW, FC(Cab OverLWB), LW, 特装,
入手:けっこう容易 整備:比較的容易 部品サプライ:比較的容易
現存数:比較的多数 価格:300万円〜でないと!! 車検:受検可
Series II (88in model) 1958 - 1961 Engine 4-cylinder 90.47 x 88.9mm 2286cc CR 7:1 Solex Carb. 70 bhp (net) at 4250rpm Max. torque 124 lb/ft at 2500rpm Transmission Optional 4-wheel or rear wheel drive. Front and rear diferentials High and low range of gears Axle ratios 4.7:1 High range step down ratio 1.148:1 ; Overall gear ratios 5.396, 7.435, 11.026, 16.171 :1 Reverse 13.745:1 15.1 mph/1000rpm in top gear Low range step down ratio 2.888:1 ; Overall ratios 13.578, 18.707, 27.742, 40.688 :1 Reverse 34.585:1. 7.3 mph/1000rpm in top gear Syncromesh on top and 3rd gears. Suspention and brakes Live front axle, half ellipic leaf springs, telescopic dampers, live rear axle, half ellipic leaf springs, telescopic dampers, Recirclating ballnut steering. 10 x 1.5in front and rear drum brakes 6.00 - 16in tyres Dimentions Wheelbase 7ft 4in (88in) Front and rear track 4ft 3.5in Length 11ft 10.4in Width 5ft 4in Height (Max) 6ft 5in Unladen weight from 2900 lbs Max. allowable vehicle weight 4453 lbs
Series II (109in model) 1958 - 1961 Specs as for 88in model except for, Suspention and brakes 11 x 2.25in front and rear drum brakes 7.5 - 16in tyres Dimentions Wheelbase 9ft 1in (109in) Length 14ft 7in Width 5ft 4in Height (Max) 6ft 9in Unladen weight from 3294 lbs Max. allowable vehicle weight 5905 lbs
Alternative diesel engine 2052cc 1958 - 1961 Engine 4-cylinder 85.79 x 88.9mm 2052cc CR 22.5:1 CAV fuel injection 51bhp (net) at 3500rpm Max. torque 87 lb/ft at 2000rpm Dimentions Extra weight 195 lbs
Series IIa (88in model) 1961 - 1971 Specs as for Series II 88in model except for, Dimentions Unladen weight from 2953 lbs Max. allowable vehicle weight 4453 lbs
Series IIa (109in model) 1961 - 1971 Specs as for Series II 109in model except for, Dimentions Unladen weight from 3301 lbs Max. allowable vehicle weight 5905 lbs
Alternative Series IIa diesel engine 2286cc 1962 - 1971 Engine 4-cylinder 90.47 x 88.9mm 2286cc CR 23:1 CAV fuel injection 62 bhp (net) at 4000rpm Max. torque 103 lb/ft at 1800rpm Dimentions Extra weight 144 lbs
Series IIa (109in 6 cylinder model) 1967 - 1971 Engine 6-cylinder 77.8 x 92.1mm 2625cc CR 7.8:1 SU Carb. 83 bhp (net) at 4500rpm Max. torque 128 lb/ft at 1500rpm Transmission High range step down ratio 1.148:1 ; Overall gear ratios 5.396, 8.09, 11.98, 19.43 :1 Reverse 16.3:1 16.5 mph/1000rpm in top gear Low range step down ratio 1.35:1 ; Overall ratios 11.05, 16.57, 24.51, 39.74 :1 Reverse 33.34:1. 8 mph/1000rpm in top gear Syncromesh on top and 3rd gears. Suspention and brakes 11 x 3in front drum brakes Dimentions Unladen weight from 3459 lbs Max. allowable vehicle weight 5905 lbs
Series IIa (109in 1 ton model) 1968 - 1971 Specs as for normal Series IIa 109in model except for, Transmission High range step down ratio 1.53:1 ; Overall gear ratios 7.19, 10.80, 15.96, 25.90 :1 Reverse 21.7:1 13.3 mph/1000rpm in top gear Low range step down ratio 3.27:1 ; Overall ratios 15.40, 23.10, 24.10, 55.3 :1 Reverse 46.4:1. 6.25 mph/1000rpm in top gear Suspention and brakes 9.00-16in tyres Dimentions Unladen weight from 3886 lbs
Max. allowable vehicle weight 6750 lbs
Forward Control (109in model) 1962 - 1966 Engine 4-cylinder 90.47 x 88.9mm 2286cc CR 8:1 Solex Carb. 67 bhp (net) at 4000rpm Max. torque 116 lb/ft at 1500rpm Transmission Optional 4-wheel or rear wheel drive. Front and rear diferentials High and low range of gears Axle ratios 4.7:1 Dimentions Wheelbase 9ft 1in (109in) Front and rear track 4ft 5in Length 14ft 9in Width 5ft 6in Height (Max) 6ft 7in Unladen weight from 3396 lbs Max. allowable vehicle weight 5976 lbs
Half ton Air Portable Military Land Rover (88in model) 1968 - 1985 Specs as for appropriately engined (4cyl petrol or diesel) S.IIa or S.III civil Land Rovers except for, Dimentions Length 12ft 0in Width 5ft 0in Height 6ft 5in Unladen weight (petrol engine) 3210 lbs In stripped out form for air transportation 2660 lbs Max. allowable vehicle weight 4450 lbs